Monday, December 14, 2015

Fashion Photography.

1. They made it a lighter skin color, made it thinner as well. 
2. They made her legs skinnier, lifted her butt, made her legs longer, made her skinnier. 
3. They took her fat away, made her taller, made her butt bigger.
4. Yes, it is done to make people look good. 
5. Yes, if someone totally changes the face and body completely. 
7. Fashion photography is especially about fashion. Photo journalism can be about anything.
8. Fashion is connected to reality because fashion is a part of everyday life. As well as Sports Photography, it links to reality because you always see sports happening.
9. I think you are showing us these videos because we need to see what really happens behind the scenes.
10. Girls always want to look the best.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Portraits and Self Portraits

1. I think the 3 best portrait taking tips are Play with Eye Contact, Mirroring something, Break the Rules of Composition. 
2. Environmental Portrait: I like these two photos because they show these people's environment.

Self-Portrait: I like these two self portraits because they a follow the rules of a self portrait. 

Casual Portrait: I like these two casual portraits because they are just casual.

I plan on taking some single person self portraits and making some black and white, or have the person in front of a black background. I also plan to have a group of people and have some in black and white and in front of a black background. 

Love and Lost

1. I felt sad because it showed a story of how his wife had cancer and what she had to go through.
2. I think that comment means those pictures are serious and they have to go through it.
3. Yes, but it would be hard for me if I was in the husbands position to see my wife go through these tough times.
4. I would say, i'm sorry for what she is going through and that I will pray for her.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

American Soldier.

A: I think the strongest photo out of the slideshow is the picture of the soldier walking to the plane with his bag because I think he is about to go into a mission. 
B: The photos were taken in the Army Barber Shop, Army Base, Army Training, Army Mission, and the Army Airport.
C: I think the most powerful set of pictures are the pictures while he was at war. 
D: All of these pictures tell the story of his Army experience.
E: The verbs are in Past Tense.
F:  The captions enhance the photos by painting an image before the reader even reads the story.
G: 1. Ian joined the Army and was stationed in Iraq, he fought in war ad came home a new man. 
2. His motivation was that he was a bad kid and he wanted to change.
3. Some problems he encountered were that he didn't salute the Officer correctly.
4. His fighting habit.
5. He proposed to his girlfriend.
6. Ian became a strong man. 

Blog #4

Early Magazine Covers: Some attributes of the early magazine covers are that they have a table of contents and interesting things already on the cover.
The Poster Cover: An attribute about having a poster cover is that the picture paints what the magazine is gonna be about. It can help the reader tell if it will be an interesting magazine.
Pictures Married to Type: An attribute about having pictures married to type is that the picture on the cover goes or fits well with the cover.
In the Forest of Words: An attribute to having a cover In the Forest of Words is having the specific person(s) that fit the magazine topic.

Blog #3


"This Bill Murray portrait by Martin Schoeller was a play off of Bill's current project, "St. Vincent." Makeshift veils, red gowns and getting Bill to pray really played well to his personality and the movie that was coming out later that month." - See more at: 
I think this picture fits Bill Murray well because he is funny and in this picture he is acting funny. I also like the lighting in this as well. One thing the photographer could've done better is to have him in a white shirt to contrast better with the black head dress.