Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car Raid

Sal Johnson, one of my good friends has a pretty unique car. The little detail that his car has makes it unique. 
One of the first things to start off on is what kind of car he has. Sal has a 2015 Toyota Rav4 so it is fairly new. It is a silver color with no exterior upgrades, but it still stands out. "The inside is a totally different story" Sal said. Inside I found a couple of soccer socks and multiple pairs of soccer cleats for some odd reason. "You will see a lot of soccer accessories in my car because I travel for soccer" Sal said.
There were 2 things on the exterior that I found cool and unique and they were blacked out Toyota symbols, and a Pink license plate cover. "I did the blacked out the two symbols myself and my mom got the pink cover herself" Sal said. I was inspired by his blacked out symbols that I am going to black out my symbols too.
Also in the inside of the car, I found an Aux cord and an IPhone charger. In the new models now, aux cords are actual cords unlike the cassette to aux that cars use to have. "I like to jam hard in my car, almost blowing my speakers, oops" Sal said. What I noticed about the inside of Sal's car was a bunch of food wrappers and fast food bags. So I asked Sal what those were for and he said "I like to eat out, and I don't have a trash can in here so I kind of just throw it in the back and I tell myself that I will pick it up but I never do."
I asked Sal what he likes the most about his car and, "I think I like the audio system the best, even though its stock, it still provides great sound." Sal said.
So Sal's car is unique because of the weird but interesting things I found in his car. Varying from soccer accessories to food wrappers to electronics. All of those things make Sal's car his car. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. Sal Johnson.
2. Today 
3. What type of car do you have?
What things do you have in your car?
Do you drive often?
How long have you had the car?
4. The color of the car, type of seats, unordinary things.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Opinions Story Part 2

Lawnmowers, they are a neat little machine that is found in an average person's garage. I think that lawnmowers were an amazing invention because they do the work for you.

Some come with self drive and others don't but either way, your grass gets cut.

I have a lawnmower and it moves by itself meaning the front 2 wheels turn constantly so I don't have to push it. Older lawnmowers don't have that but the benefit of that is that you are getting a workout from it.

People that don't like mowing their yard with their lawnmower say it is too much work to push it or walk with it while it moves on its own. I think thats laziness because then your yard won't get mowed.

The invention of lawnmowers was a life saver because if we didn't have lawnmowers, I think we would be cutting our grass with scissors blade by blade, which would take forever.

Lawnmowers come in different sizes. Some lawnmowers get up to be bigger than a car! They are pulled by a tractor because the lawnmower looks like a trailer.

Lawnmowers also get to be smaller than a normal table. Those are easy to maneuver because they are so small and light weight.

If you have a big backyard that is too big for a pushable lawnmower, you should go buy a drivable one. Those would cut your big yard quicker for sure.

There are also different ways to power a lawnmower.

Battery powered, Push powered, and Gas powered are the different ways to power a lawnmower.

In my opinion Battery powered lawnmowers are the most efficient because batteries go longer for less charge while Gas powered, the lawnmower eats the gas faster.

Overall lawnmowers are a great, and helpful machine that does a lot for you so you can be happy in the long run.

HDR Photography

 HDR Photography

1. Set the shutter speed faster or slower on each different photo you take.
2. A tri-pod.
3. To balance the photo to the right feel.
4. I think the outcome will be amazing. If we do it right.

Merger Photo

1. The white line, the building, the fence, the tree.
2. In front of a solid colored wall.
3. Different motions.
4. Neon colored shirt.

HDR Images

Warm Up

1. I like the picture that looks to be in New York because it looks symmetrical on both sides of the photo.
2. Yes, the resolution isn't top of the line like a camera would be.
3. Very Little of them. I have an I Phone 6s and my photos look almost the same.
4. Try to be steady with the phone, and find cool things to take pictures of.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Peer Review SoM

Paragraphs- 50 pts
5 quotes- 35 pts
Inverted Pyramid- 25pts
Extra Credit- 10 pts
Total- 120 pts