Friday, September 25, 2015

Next Shoot Answers.

1. I think that I will go into a classroom while a fun educational activity is going on.
2. I would wanna go into a science class room or an art room.
3. I will try to keep the camera level and still for a good focused picture.

My Favorite Photo Answers.

I picked the photo with the girl in the background with pink paint flying everywhere. 
1. I picked this photo because I thought it was cool how the photographer caught the paint in mid air. 
2. Some rules of photography are cropping, and leading lines. 

The Story, Action and Emotion, Filling the Frame

"The Story"
I think the photo with the best story is the photo with the 2 girls and the substance in mid air. (a.k.a. first place) I think the story is they dropped something in to the glass causing it to explode.
"Action and Emotion"
I think the best picture that shows emotion or action is the picture with the circle of people around the pole. When I see this picture I think that they are praying. 
"Filling The Frame" 
I think that the picture with the kids putting their hands in the middle of the table shows filling the frame because the kids are all around the picture.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Photo Manipulation and Ethics with Most and Least Unethical Pictures.

Summary: A lot of photographers manipulate photos for the fame or for the credit. It seems to be that not many people notice that a photo is manipulated, but the ones that do notice it, they don't like it. 
My Opinion:  I think that this type of photo editing is unethical because it is almost like plagiarism because the photographer takes the photo and edits it for the credit or fame. 

Most Unethical: 
I think that this photo is most unethical because the editor added his/her own writing on this picture. 

Least Unethical: 
I think that this  doctored picture isn't as bad as others because the editor just changed the vibrancy in color. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Great Black and White Photographers Part 2.

Stephen Shore:
Born in 1947 on October 8th.
Shores was known for being a photographer.
His nationality is American.
Stephen has wrote over 15 photo-books and has published two photos that have gone up in a gallery.

Post Shoot Reflection.

1. I had trouble finding an actual Merger photo because I was too small for everything that would make an actual good Merger photo. 
2. One technical aspect I was thinking about was the zoom. To fix this aspect I either backed up or I zoomed in and out. 
3. If I did this assignment again I would take some pictures from a higher view. I would keep taking close pictures with good focus. 
4. I would keep taking colorful pictures because I think that those pictures are cool.
5.  I used avoiding mergers because I took a picture of a metal light pole with a clear blue sky. I achieved this by cropping out the clouds. 
6. I think that we should shoot different prompts because we have already shot these. 

Someone Else's Blog.
2. I like her photos because they are vibrant and have lots of colors. I also like her pictures because they are clear.
3. One thing that could be improved would be cropping out distracting items. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Avoiding Mergers

Avoiding Mergers: 

This is an example of Avoiding Mergers because you can see the main subject clearly. Avoiding Mergers is when you avoid cutting half of someones body off or when it looks like a tree is growing out of someones head.


 This is an example of framing because the buildings and the sidewalks frame the center fountain. The fountain also is an example of framing because it is framing the center of the fountain. Framing is when the main subject of the photograph is surrounded on all sides by something less interesting. Have something framed makes the eyes focus on the main subject.



This photograph is an example of Balance because the 2 people are balancing out the color in the background and themselves. Balance means that 2 subjects are seen evenly.



This photograph is an example of lines because the lines on the side of this building are leading the viewer to see the people in the building. Lines in photography mean lines that lead the eye to a main subject in a photograph.

Rule Of Thirds

Rule Of Thirds:
This photograph is an example of Rule of Thirds because the main subject is not in the direct center of the photograph. Rule of Thirds is when the main subject is in the intersection of the vertical and horizontal lines. 



This photograph is an example of simplicity because the photographer put the subject on a black background so it pops out. Simplicity is when you crop out any distracting objects that would distract the viewer away from the main subject. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Masters Of Photography

Masters of Photography- 

Stephen Shore- El Paso Street,  El Paso, Texas. El Paso Street

Joel Meyerowitz- Bay/Sky, Province Town.Bay/Sky, Provincetown

John Gutmann- Elevator Garage with Parking Lot.
Elevator Garage with Parking Lot

Friday, September 4, 2015

"The Camera" Questions.

"The Camera"
1. Explain the "camera obscura" effect. How is it acheived?
The "camera obscura" also known as "dark room" is when you use a hole as a lens. You achieve this by focusing and projecting light onto the wall of the dark chamber. 
2. What invention during the 17th century helped man get a step closer to creating the modern camera? The invention that helped man get a step closer to creating the modern camera was perfecting the understanding of optics and the process of making high quality glass lenses. 
3. What were the parts of the first modern camera invented by Niepce? The parts of the first modern camera were a glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4. What do modern digital cameras have in common with Niepce's camera? Lens.
5. What do digital cameras use to capture images? Light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film. And guess what? The end result is still a photograph.
"Camera Modes"
6. What is the difference between Auto Mode and Program Mode? Auto Mode will do most everything for you to get a good picture. While Program Mode you can control flash, and a few other camera settings. 
7. What is the Portrait mode used for? How does it work? Used to blur out the background. The camera uses the fastest lens setting.
8. What is the Sports mode used for? How does it work? Used to freeze motion. The camera uses the highest shutter speed possible.
"The Half Press"
9. Why should you do a half press on the trigger button? It tells the camera that your ready to take a picture, so it focuses on the subject and focus locks.
"Controlling Flash"
10. What does this symbol mean? When would you use this? This symbol means that there will be no flash. You would use this when the natural light is present. 
11. What does this symbol mean? When would you use this? This symbol means Auto-Flash and it will automatically come on when the camera thinks more light is needed. 
"Introduction to Exposure."
12. What happens to your photo if there is too much light? Too much light in a photo will cause the photo to be washed out. 
13. What happens to your photo if there is not enough light? It will appear dark. 
"The Universal Stop" 
14. What is a "stop?" A stop is a relative change in the brightness of light. 
15. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are 2 suns instead of one? 1.
16. How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are 4 suns instead of 2? 2.
"Shutters and Aperture"
17. What affect does a longer shutter speed have? More Light.
18. What affect does a shorter shutter speed have? Less Light.
19. What does the aperture control? The brightness is reduced as it passes through the aperture. 
20. When adjusting the aperture, how can you increase the amount of light? You can change the aperture settings.  

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

New Blog!

Unfortunately I wasn't here on the first day of this class, so I didn't take any pictures.