Monday, September 21, 2015

Post Shoot Reflection.

1. I had trouble finding an actual Merger photo because I was too small for everything that would make an actual good Merger photo. 
2. One technical aspect I was thinking about was the zoom. To fix this aspect I either backed up or I zoomed in and out. 
3. If I did this assignment again I would take some pictures from a higher view. I would keep taking close pictures with good focus. 
4. I would keep taking colorful pictures because I think that those pictures are cool.
5.  I used avoiding mergers because I took a picture of a metal light pole with a clear blue sky. I achieved this by cropping out the clouds. 
6. I think that we should shoot different prompts because we have already shot these. 

Someone Else's Blog.
2. I like her photos because they are vibrant and have lots of colors. I also like her pictures because they are clear.
3. One thing that could be improved would be cropping out distracting items. 

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