Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Front Page
Who? Juniors going on to Seniors
What? Rewards for good attendance
Where? Bowie HS
When? Starting this year
Why? Bowie wants kids to stay in school, so they are rewarding kids who have good attendance.
How? Offering customized parking spots.
Who was quoted in the story? Senior Madi Little
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I hope that people take the incentives seriously and really take the advantage of the opportunities being handed to them" 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes!
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement. A Quote
Student Life
Who? Jamie Dorsey
What? Photography Business
Where? Austin Tx
When? This year
Why? To have fun while making a little money.
How? Get hired by other people for photoshoots.
Who was quoted in the story? Jamie Dorsey
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "When Jamie first started I would be up in the stands at football games and she would be on the sidelines and when she would come across something that wasn't working for her, she would give me a call and we would solve the problem."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? No
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Quote
Who? Bowie Boys
What? Mr. Bulldog
Where? Bowie HS
When? February 13, 2016
Why? Compete for fun.
How? Put on a small act
Who was quoted in the story? Drake Touve
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I try to be optimistic, and if I don't win, I hope someone else that I know will.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Statement.
Who? Boys Basketball
What? Shooting for the best in district
Where? Austin Tx. Bowie HS
When? This year
Why? To be the best team in District
How? Play hard, work hard.
Who was quoted in the story? Josh Wainwright
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "It was very busy, but dealing with school, basketball, and football was honestly more of a reward than anything because it helped me learn to use time wisely."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? No
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Quote
Who? Bowie Theater.
What? Tarzan the play
Where? Bowie HS
When? This year
Why? Fun
How? Build sets, act.
Who was quoted in the story? Eryn Northcutt
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I was not prepared at all for the screaming; when I went back stage I fought tears."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Quote
Who? Bowie Students
What? New Attendance policies
Where? Bowie HS
When? 2016-2017
Why? Keep kids in school.
How? Have rewards for good attendance
Who was quoted in the story? No one.
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? There were no quotes.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? No.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Statement.

1. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper? The basketball action shot of Josh Wainwright.
1A. Why is this your favorite? It is showing him in action.
1B. What rules of photo composition are evident? Rule of Thirds.

2. What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper? Picture of John Graff.
2A. Why is this your least favorite? It is blurry.

3. If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics covered and decide which one you think would have been fun. I would like to shoot the sports section.

4. Overall, how would you rate the photography in this issue? What were the strong points and weak points. 6. Some pictures were blurry or out of focus, but most were fine. 

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