Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Architecture Preview

Action Walking Across Camera

Action Coming At Camera

Action as a Blur

Action as Panning

Atomium, Belgium
1. Andre Waterkeyn
2. 1958
3. Belgium
4. Open to the Public
5. No
6. Represents an elementary iron crystal.
7. I picked this building because the name was cool and also it looked really cool by how its standing and that you can go inside the building itself. 

Hundertwasserhaun, Germany
1. Friendensreich Hundertwasser
2. 1900s
3. Germany
4. Open to public
5. No
6. FH wanted to make a U shape.
7. I picked this building because its name is super long and funny to say. Also it is super cool and crazy. I also like how every window is different on the building.

Kansas City Public Library, USA
1. Not Found
2. 1873
3. Kansas City, USA
4. Open to public
5. Raised $50 million for project
6. Multiple locations for visitors
7. I picked this location because I have a friend in Kansas city and I also thought it was cool that there were multiple buildings in the same city.

The UFO House, Taiwan
1. Owned by Hung Kuo group
2. 1978
3. New Taipei City, Taiwan
4. Abandoned, not open to public
5. Not found
6. House sailors.
7. I liked this location because it looks really cool and the name is unique. The name is related to the building's shape.

Turning Torso, Sweden
1. HSB Sweden.
2. Opened in 2005
3. Malmo, Sweden
4. Buy apartments in building.
5. Not Found
6. Space for offices and Apartments.
7. I like this building because 1 it turns as it goes up and it is super tall too. It also has 147 apartments and 57 stories.

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