Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Yearbook Intro

Things that you find in a Yearbook:
Name of school
Pictures of students
Pictures of staff
Sports Section
Art Section
Dance Section
Quotes from students
Picture of the school
List of Principals/Assistant Principals
Table Of Contents
Address of school
Events page of that year
Electives Page
Signature Section.
1. "Nothing Can Stop Us"
2. Lamar Middle School.
3. That my school is always happy.
4. 10. 
5. Sports Spread is m favorite.
6. No
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. 700
10. Texas

Magazine Peer Review

1. http://katrinaphotojournalismblog.blogspot.com/2016/01/magazine-covers.html 
"Young Dreams" by Katrina K. 
2. I liked the clearness of the picture. And I also like how she had different color fonts to catch your eye.
3. I would tell the creator to move the bar code down to the bottom of the cover.
4. I picked this cover because the subject looks sporty... and I love sports so I just had to pick this one.
5. Yes, there is a bar code and I think it should be a little farther down on the cover.
6. Yes, because it has an eye catching cover.
7. This was a portrait. 

Peer Review.

1. Alexa's Prompt Pictures pd1: Her pictures are actually really good. She does a different or unique way of the prompts and also 1 of her pictures are in black and white which I think is great.
2. http://alexasphotojournalism.blogspot.com/2016/01/prompt-shoot-3.html
3. I like her footprints picture the best because it is paused in mid-air. So it can be 2 prompts in 1. 
My least favorite picture is the connected because its a little burry and I think it needs to be clear.
Overall Alexa's pictures are great because they really connect to the prompts and also they connect to the prompts in a unique way.
I think she could've put the subjects on a solid background or not as distracting background.
I think she did the best on pause because it is like the picture is paused on what is happening.
I think she didn't do as well on pose because the subjects aren't doing much in the photo.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome Back!


I like this picture because it's funny and the people's reactions are priceless!

I like this picture because I appreciate their service and it's a really cool picture.

I like this picture because it's cute and funny.

2. The biggest song of the year was Trap Queen by Fetty Wap because everyone knew who Fetty was and his most popular song.

The biggest movie of the year was Star Wars: The Force Awakens because I thought it was a really good follow up of the last made one.

The biggest story of the year was the Terrorist Attack in France because many people died in the bombings.

The most important person of the year is Donald Trump because he made a huge impact on our country by saying racist things and telling his plans. 

The biggest sports person of the year is Lionel Messi because he is the best soccer player in the world as of now. 
My resolutions for 2016 is to get my license and fix my BMW. 
Im looking forward to being 16 years old and driving alone.


3. I went to Rui Doso, New Mexico and I snowboarded for 5 days. I will always remember learning my toe-edge for snowboarding.