Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Peer Review.

1. Alexa's Prompt Pictures pd1: Her pictures are actually really good. She does a different or unique way of the prompts and also 1 of her pictures are in black and white which I think is great.
2. http://alexasphotojournalism.blogspot.com/2016/01/prompt-shoot-3.html
3. I like her footprints picture the best because it is paused in mid-air. So it can be 2 prompts in 1. 
My least favorite picture is the connected because its a little burry and I think it needs to be clear.
Overall Alexa's pictures are great because they really connect to the prompts and also they connect to the prompts in a unique way.
I think she could've put the subjects on a solid background or not as distracting background.
I think she did the best on pause because it is like the picture is paused on what is happening.
I think she didn't do as well on pose because the subjects aren't doing much in the photo.

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