Thursday, October 29, 2015

Funny Captions

1. This is Jen and Jim happily racing by the sea wall to the nearest gas station on July 4th to get the same lottery ticket they do everyday. 
2. To get here Jen and Jim were fueling up at home and Jim realized he was late to get his lottery ticket so he was all like "JEN!!!! we need to go to the gas station now!!!!" So Jen and Jim got on their 4WD, 600 HP scooters and raced to the gas station.

1. This is Patricia at her local bar waiting for her favorite NFL team to play in the SuperBowl on SuperBowl night because her favorite team (Cowboys) is in the SuperBowl.
2. To get here, Patricia was at her barber the day before SuperBowl Sunday getting her hair dyed as the NFL logo. She said that she would pay any price for this logo dyed into her hair because her team was in the SuperBowl. The next day, she was at her local bar at 5:30 AM getting hyped for the SuperBowl later that night.

1. This is Larry and his dog Poncho, and they are sitting on the back porch mid-day because it's Poncho's birthday and Poncho doesn't wanna get up for a special lunch Larry fixed for him.
2. Larry got Poncho on his birthday 2 years before and Poncho has become super lazy since he was adopted.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO



1. We should relate the pupil to aperture.
2. The smaller the aperture the larger the f-number, the larger the aperture the smaller the f-number.
3. Smaller aperture will bring the foreground and background in focus.

Reasonable Sunlight.
1A. Slow shutter speed.
1B. Slow shutter speed.
1C. Fast shutter speed.
1D. Fast shutter speed.
1E. Fast shutter speed.
1F. Fast shutter speed.
No Sunlight.
1A. Fast shutter speed.
1B. Fast shutter speed.
1C. Fast shutter speed.
1D. Fast shutter speed.
1E. Fast shutter speed.
1F. Fast shutter speed.
2. Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, Manual.

ISO 200.

ISO 3200
1. The picture will be more clear.
2. Use when there is good light present.
3. Use when there is not good light.

DSLR Camera.
1. The aperture settings go from 2.5 to 22.
2. The shutter speed settings go from 1sec to 1/4000 sec.
3. The ISO settings go from 100 to 25,600.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. Some challenges that I encountered while shooting were focusing on the subject.
2. I was thinking the most about leading lines and Rule of Thirds. I think that I used the stair railing as good leading lines and I tried to put the girl at the bottom of the stairs in the Rule of Thirds.
3. If I could shoot again, I think that I would focus the picture better. 
4. Some things that I would keep doing is using the stair railing as leading lines.
5. I think that Rule of Thirds will be the easiest to achieve because I myself can move around to make the subject become Rule of Thirds.
6. I think the hardest rule to achieve would be framing just because it always turns out that the prompt calls for something that is tough to frame.

Someone Else's Blog.
I really like his photos because they are really focused really well, and it looks like the took his time while taking these photos. I also like his photos because they all have good color in them.
One thing that he could improve is to take darker pictures. 

Academic Shoot Photos

1. I used leading lines in this photo.
2. The subject is Art.
3. Somewhat yes. 
4. I could've gotten closer and focused better. 
1. I used leading lines in this photo. 
2. The subject is Reading.
3. Yes.
1. I used Rule of Thirds in this photo.
2. The subject is Art.
3. No
4. I could've gotten closer. 
1. I didn't really use a rule of composition in this photo.
2. The subject is art.
3. Yes.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos Part 3

1. I think the 3 most important suggestions for photographers are to take a picture with someone smiling in it, take a photo of a lot going on, and to have a good light source. 

Paintings of Edgar Mueller


4. I think that the photographer did follow the suggestion fully.
5. I really want to go find one of these street illusions and try this suggestion.

Unusual and Interesting Photos Part 2

1. I like this photo because Robert Griffin III is in mid-air trying to score a touchdown.
2. I found this photo in the Sports Action - SPA category. 
3. This photo won 3rd place in the Sports Action - SPA category.
4. The photographer caught Robert Griffin III in mid-air and that attracted my eyes.
5. I think that this photo was on the judges mind so high up because of the hi-def quality of the photo.
6. I think that the photographer took a burst of photos.

1. I like this photo because it has 2 main subjects.
2. I found this photo in the Feature Single - FET category.
3. This photo one 1st place in the Feature Single - FET category.
4. The space ship in the back ground attracted my eyes first, then the 2 kids were second.
5. I think that this photo was on the judges mind so high because it has 2 main subjects.
6. I think that the photographer was at the right place at the right time. 

1. I like this photo because it is of one my favorite NFL teams.
2. I found this photo in the Sports Feature - SFF category.
3. This photo won the 1st place prize in the Sports Feature - SFF category.
4. This photographer attracted my eyes by having Justin Perillo in the picture with all the fans.
5. I think the judges had this photo ranked 1st because it is funny, and high quality.
6. I think that the photographer followed Justin Perillo when he jumped up into the stands.

Unusual and Interesting Photos Part 1

1. I think that his work is really cool because it kind of looks like a kaleidoscope picture.
2. I think he made these photos by moving the camera really fast.
3. I think that the empire state building would be a cool building to take this kind of picture. I think that I would have to fly to NY to get this kind of photo of the Empire State Building.