Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Shoot Reflection and Critique

1. Some challenges that I encountered while shooting were focusing on the subject.
2. I was thinking the most about leading lines and Rule of Thirds. I think that I used the stair railing as good leading lines and I tried to put the girl at the bottom of the stairs in the Rule of Thirds.
3. If I could shoot again, I think that I would focus the picture better. 
4. Some things that I would keep doing is using the stair railing as leading lines.
5. I think that Rule of Thirds will be the easiest to achieve because I myself can move around to make the subject become Rule of Thirds.
6. I think the hardest rule to achieve would be framing just because it always turns out that the prompt calls for something that is tough to frame.

Someone Else's Blog.
I really like his photos because they are really focused really well, and it looks like the took his time while taking these photos. I also like his photos because they all have good color in them.
One thing that he could improve is to take darker pictures. 

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