Thursday, October 1, 2015

Unusual and Interesting Photos Part 2

1. I like this photo because Robert Griffin III is in mid-air trying to score a touchdown.
2. I found this photo in the Sports Action - SPA category. 
3. This photo won 3rd place in the Sports Action - SPA category.
4. The photographer caught Robert Griffin III in mid-air and that attracted my eyes.
5. I think that this photo was on the judges mind so high up because of the hi-def quality of the photo.
6. I think that the photographer took a burst of photos.

1. I like this photo because it has 2 main subjects.
2. I found this photo in the Feature Single - FET category.
3. This photo one 1st place in the Feature Single - FET category.
4. The space ship in the back ground attracted my eyes first, then the 2 kids were second.
5. I think that this photo was on the judges mind so high because it has 2 main subjects.
6. I think that the photographer was at the right place at the right time. 

1. I like this photo because it is of one my favorite NFL teams.
2. I found this photo in the Sports Feature - SFF category.
3. This photo won the 1st place prize in the Sports Feature - SFF category.
4. This photographer attracted my eyes by having Justin Perillo in the picture with all the fans.
5. I think the judges had this photo ranked 1st because it is funny, and high quality.
6. I think that the photographer followed Justin Perillo when he jumped up into the stands.

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