Monday, April 25, 2016

Final Exam Preview

1. I watched a woman show me the first couple of steps to understanding how to use iMovie. She showed me how to add a title and credits as well.
2. How to put clips in different order,
3. You can put objects over original objects.
4. I'm worried my idea won't work.
5. The video and pictures.
6. Film the Connally High School Prom my DJ group is djing this weekend.

1. I watched how to import videos.
2. How to trim a clip.
3. I learned how to import videos.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

My Opinions Story

My Opinions Story:

   Everyone in Austin, Texas knows that the road systems here are too small for the amount of people that use them everyday. On Mopac, construction is being done to add a carpool lane which isn't helping right now because traffic is even worse than before. 
   My dad, Andy, works at Lamar Middle School as an assistant principal and he lives in South Austin while Lamar is in North Austin. 
   "It takes me about 45 minutes every morning to get to work" Andy said. "It takes me even longer to get home in the afternoon and it drives me crazy" Andy said. 
    I went to Lamar for 7th and 8th grade, so I made that drive every morning with him as well. I am 16 now, about to get my license, and I don't wanna get on Mopac to go North because of all the traffic I would have to sit in for ever.
   Another terrible road to take is I-35. This highway goes from Texas to Minnesota, so all the people coming from say SA, Texas will add to the traffic already here in Austin. 
   My mom takes I-35 to work and she hates all the traffic that she has to deal with every morning and every afternoon.
   Some people reading this might say "Oh, I never get caught in traffic" and I would want to know what time they leave work or what time they leave in the morning.
   Traffic is bad at around 7:30 AM and 5:30-7:00 PM daily.
   If you ask people who take Mopac to work if they get caught in traffic during those times, the answer will be a yes. 
   Local radio stations have traffic updates every 20 minutes and there are at least 3 wrecks on the Austin roadways that cause traffic.
   Austin traffic gets so bad sometimes that our Toll road has traffic on it!
   I hear stories about how traffic is so bad that it takes almost 2 hours to get to North Austin. 
   I am not looking forward to driving up North for any reason because of all the traffic that I would get caught in. 
   I only know 1 highway that rarely has any traffic which is Highway 290. 290 gets to be 5 lanes wide which shouldn't have traffic at all. 
   Another reason 290 might not have any traffic is because 290 travels from East to West, and most Austin citizens travel from North to South. 
   Overall, I think that Austin needs to work on the road systems here because Austin is growing with people which causes more traffic and the road systems aren't. If we don't expand the road systems, Austin will become a crazy mess with traffic on every road.

SNO Online Papers

1. Mary Griffis, Akins Staff Writer.
2. Wether lockers should be removed or not.
3. "Lockers are dead. It might be difficult to take this news, but it’s time to accept the obvious. The use of lockers has been on the decline across the country for at least the last decade."
4. Yes.
5. Yes, "I understand that there are sometimes cases when students might need a locker to secure some personal belongings..."
6. Yes.
7. 3rd Person. 

1. Liz Holberg
2. Band selected to play at Memorial Day Parade.
3. "...they are headed to Washington D.C. next semester in May to play in the 2016 National Memorial Day Parade."
4. No
5. No
6. Yes
7. 1&3 person.

1. Kerry Madden
2. The Cedar Park Girls Soccer team goes undefeated in regular season.
3. "Game after game, the girls varsity soccer team emerged victorious."
4. Yes
5. No, this whole story is about the girls going undefeated.
6. Yes.
7. 1st & 3rd person.

Personal Essays

1. Whatever you care about is fair game.
2. Use details.
3. A question, A quotation, A metaphor.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Huntington Story

Around 1:30 PM is when the tornado hit, Lauren said.
It was a normal school day, and everything seemed fine except the weather. It was cloudy, and super windy Lauren said. In Oklahoma, also known as Tornado Alley, tornados are a common thing, but this tornado wasn't normal.
A small tornado was predicted by the local weather station, and they told everyone to prepare.
My dad was preparing all day, everyday just so our family will be ready for the aftermath for this tornado, Lauren said. The prices in the supermarket went way down on all products because of the coming tornado.
"SCHOOL FOR THIS WEEK HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR BAD WEATHER!" said Lauren. I remember telling my mom and dad that I got an email from my school saying that, Lauren said.
When the tornado hit, I was in my room watching the clouds go by super fast. My mom came running up the stairs to grab me so we could get to safety. My little siblings were crying at the beginning, but then they simmered down.
We could here bunches of debris hit our house, Lauren said.
The tornado went by quickly. I think we were in the shelter for 20 minutes max, Lauren said. After the tornado, the town was wrecked. Our house was torn apart, and there was debris everywhere.
Now, our house is built back to normal, Lauren said. We are back to our normal lives, prepared for another tornado.

Friday, April 15, 2016

News Values.

This article follows timeliness because this article is recent.
Chibok Girls' Parents see their children for the first time.
They were stolen from their beds in a school dormitory: hundreds of teenage girls kidnapped by gunmen.
This article follows proximity because it is near the publication place.
Donald Trump meets with Megan Kelly at Trump Tower.
Neither person has shared details about what happened yet. But Trump's intense dislike of Kelly -- whom he has called unfair, overrated and even "crazy" -- has been one of the subplots of his run for president.
This article follows prominence because this article had to be in the news.
Spate of suicide attempts leaves Canadian indigenous community reeling.
In the beleaguered, isolated community of the Ontario First Nation of Attawapiskat, one of the greatest dangers comes from within

This article follows Impact because this article is about saving someones life.
Ford F-150 pickup beats rivals in key crash test.
Pickup trucks from Toyota and General Motors didn't do quite so well, though, and Fiat Chrysler's Ram 1500 scored worst

This article follows Conflict because it hurt people physically and emotionally.
7.0 quake strikes Japan after earlier one kills 9.
A magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck early Saturday in Japan's Kyushu island, the same region a 6.2 quake struck two days earlier

Human Interest
This article follows Human Interest because it is emotional for a lot of people.

Kobe Bryant Puts Exclamation Point on Career with Surreal, Epic Finale

LOS ANGELES — The last game of Kobe Bryant’s career—arguably the most lionized in NBA history—began like just about every other game this season: with the Los Angeles Lakers stuck at the bottom of the Western Conference standings, handicapped by a flimsy screen-door defense and a predictable offensive attack. 

This article follows Novelty because people like Donald Trump, and he is unusual.

Is Trump right about 'rigged' nomination?

Each year on April Fools' Day I intersperse some false but plausible news stories among the real ones on my Election Law Blog. Last year, I got a number of prominent election-law attorneys and activists to believe a false report that a federal court, relying on the Supreme Court's controversial campaign finance decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, held that the First Amendment protects the right to literally bribe candidates.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who: Alyssa Gordon
What: Won Student of the Month Award
Where: Bowie High School
When: April of 2016
Why: Alyssa had the best grades in school.
How: She always did her best.

Ever won Student of the Month? Freshman Alyssa Gordon has done just that. With perfect grades and hard work, it has paid off. Here at Bowie High School, most freshman don't win Student of the Month, so when Alyssa won this award, the administration was shocked. In April of the 2016 school year, Alyssa was the only freshman that was nominated and she won. 
She won because she had the best grades in school. How you might ask? She always tried her hardest and did her best.

"No one has better grades than me and I know it." 
 With 100's in every class, Alyssa won Student of the Month.
"Just try hard and don't slack off is what gets you the grades."
Alyssa did her very best and didn't slack off.
"I used my free time to do extra credit and homework."
Alyssa loved to do homework unlike most of her classmates.
"Alyssa goes straight to her room to do homework."
Alyssa's parents are super happy for Alyssa because she worked hard.
"I enjoy the work, it gives me something to do."
Alyssa is a very hard worker.
"If Alyssa isn't doing homework or extra credit, she working hard on something else."

Inverted Pyramid