Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who: Alyssa Gordon
What: Won Student of the Month Award
Where: Bowie High School
When: April of 2016
Why: Alyssa had the best grades in school.
How: She always did her best.

Ever won Student of the Month? Freshman Alyssa Gordon has done just that. With perfect grades and hard work, it has paid off. Here at Bowie High School, most freshman don't win Student of the Month, so when Alyssa won this award, the administration was shocked. In April of the 2016 school year, Alyssa was the only freshman that was nominated and she won. 
She won because she had the best grades in school. How you might ask? She always tried her hardest and did her best.

"No one has better grades than me and I know it." 
 With 100's in every class, Alyssa won Student of the Month.
"Just try hard and don't slack off is what gets you the grades."
Alyssa did her very best and didn't slack off.
"I used my free time to do extra credit and homework."
Alyssa loved to do homework unlike most of her classmates.
"Alyssa goes straight to her room to do homework."
Alyssa's parents are super happy for Alyssa because she worked hard.
"I enjoy the work, it gives me something to do."
Alyssa is a very hard worker.
"If Alyssa isn't doing homework or extra credit, she working hard on something else."

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