Thursday, April 21, 2016

My Opinions Story

My Opinions Story:

   Everyone in Austin, Texas knows that the road systems here are too small for the amount of people that use them everyday. On Mopac, construction is being done to add a carpool lane which isn't helping right now because traffic is even worse than before. 
   My dad, Andy, works at Lamar Middle School as an assistant principal and he lives in South Austin while Lamar is in North Austin. 
   "It takes me about 45 minutes every morning to get to work" Andy said. "It takes me even longer to get home in the afternoon and it drives me crazy" Andy said. 
    I went to Lamar for 7th and 8th grade, so I made that drive every morning with him as well. I am 16 now, about to get my license, and I don't wanna get on Mopac to go North because of all the traffic I would have to sit in for ever.
   Another terrible road to take is I-35. This highway goes from Texas to Minnesota, so all the people coming from say SA, Texas will add to the traffic already here in Austin. 
   My mom takes I-35 to work and she hates all the traffic that she has to deal with every morning and every afternoon.
   Some people reading this might say "Oh, I never get caught in traffic" and I would want to know what time they leave work or what time they leave in the morning.
   Traffic is bad at around 7:30 AM and 5:30-7:00 PM daily.
   If you ask people who take Mopac to work if they get caught in traffic during those times, the answer will be a yes. 
   Local radio stations have traffic updates every 20 minutes and there are at least 3 wrecks on the Austin roadways that cause traffic.
   Austin traffic gets so bad sometimes that our Toll road has traffic on it!
   I hear stories about how traffic is so bad that it takes almost 2 hours to get to North Austin. 
   I am not looking forward to driving up North for any reason because of all the traffic that I would get caught in. 
   I only know 1 highway that rarely has any traffic which is Highway 290. 290 gets to be 5 lanes wide which shouldn't have traffic at all. 
   Another reason 290 might not have any traffic is because 290 travels from East to West, and most Austin citizens travel from North to South. 
   Overall, I think that Austin needs to work on the road systems here because Austin is growing with people which causes more traffic and the road systems aren't. If we don't expand the road systems, Austin will become a crazy mess with traffic on every road.

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