Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Huntington Story

Around 1:30 PM is when the tornado hit, Lauren said.
It was a normal school day, and everything seemed fine except the weather. It was cloudy, and super windy Lauren said. In Oklahoma, also known as Tornado Alley, tornados are a common thing, but this tornado wasn't normal.
A small tornado was predicted by the local weather station, and they told everyone to prepare.
My dad was preparing all day, everyday just so our family will be ready for the aftermath for this tornado, Lauren said. The prices in the supermarket went way down on all products because of the coming tornado.
"SCHOOL FOR THIS WEEK HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR BAD WEATHER!" said Lauren. I remember telling my mom and dad that I got an email from my school saying that, Lauren said.
When the tornado hit, I was in my room watching the clouds go by super fast. My mom came running up the stairs to grab me so we could get to safety. My little siblings were crying at the beginning, but then they simmered down.
We could here bunches of debris hit our house, Lauren said.
The tornado went by quickly. I think we were in the shelter for 20 minutes max, Lauren said. After the tornado, the town was wrecked. Our house was torn apart, and there was debris everywhere.
Now, our house is built back to normal, Lauren said. We are back to our normal lives, prepared for another tornado.

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