Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car Raid

Sal Johnson, one of my good friends has a pretty unique car. The little detail that his car has makes it unique. 
One of the first things to start off on is what kind of car he has. Sal has a 2015 Toyota Rav4 so it is fairly new. It is a silver color with no exterior upgrades, but it still stands out. "The inside is a totally different story" Sal said. Inside I found a couple of soccer socks and multiple pairs of soccer cleats for some odd reason. "You will see a lot of soccer accessories in my car because I travel for soccer" Sal said.
There were 2 things on the exterior that I found cool and unique and they were blacked out Toyota symbols, and a Pink license plate cover. "I did the blacked out the two symbols myself and my mom got the pink cover herself" Sal said. I was inspired by his blacked out symbols that I am going to black out my symbols too.
Also in the inside of the car, I found an Aux cord and an IPhone charger. In the new models now, aux cords are actual cords unlike the cassette to aux that cars use to have. "I like to jam hard in my car, almost blowing my speakers, oops" Sal said. What I noticed about the inside of Sal's car was a bunch of food wrappers and fast food bags. So I asked Sal what those were for and he said "I like to eat out, and I don't have a trash can in here so I kind of just throw it in the back and I tell myself that I will pick it up but I never do."
I asked Sal what he likes the most about his car and, "I think I like the audio system the best, even though its stock, it still provides great sound." Sal said.
So Sal's car is unique because of the weird but interesting things I found in his car. Varying from soccer accessories to food wrappers to electronics. All of those things make Sal's car his car. 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. Sal Johnson.
2. Today 
3. What type of car do you have?
What things do you have in your car?
Do you drive often?
How long have you had the car?
4. The color of the car, type of seats, unordinary things.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Opinions Story Part 2

Lawnmowers, they are a neat little machine that is found in an average person's garage. I think that lawnmowers were an amazing invention because they do the work for you.

Some come with self drive and others don't but either way, your grass gets cut.

I have a lawnmower and it moves by itself meaning the front 2 wheels turn constantly so I don't have to push it. Older lawnmowers don't have that but the benefit of that is that you are getting a workout from it.

People that don't like mowing their yard with their lawnmower say it is too much work to push it or walk with it while it moves on its own. I think thats laziness because then your yard won't get mowed.

The invention of lawnmowers was a life saver because if we didn't have lawnmowers, I think we would be cutting our grass with scissors blade by blade, which would take forever.

Lawnmowers come in different sizes. Some lawnmowers get up to be bigger than a car! They are pulled by a tractor because the lawnmower looks like a trailer.

Lawnmowers also get to be smaller than a normal table. Those are easy to maneuver because they are so small and light weight.

If you have a big backyard that is too big for a pushable lawnmower, you should go buy a drivable one. Those would cut your big yard quicker for sure.

There are also different ways to power a lawnmower.

Battery powered, Push powered, and Gas powered are the different ways to power a lawnmower.

In my opinion Battery powered lawnmowers are the most efficient because batteries go longer for less charge while Gas powered, the lawnmower eats the gas faster.

Overall lawnmowers are a great, and helpful machine that does a lot for you so you can be happy in the long run.

HDR Photography

 HDR Photography

1. Set the shutter speed faster or slower on each different photo you take.
2. A tri-pod.
3. To balance the photo to the right feel.
4. I think the outcome will be amazing. If we do it right.

Merger Photo

1. The white line, the building, the fence, the tree.
2. In front of a solid colored wall.
3. Different motions.
4. Neon colored shirt.

HDR Images

Warm Up

1. I like the picture that looks to be in New York because it looks symmetrical on both sides of the photo.
2. Yes, the resolution isn't top of the line like a camera would be.
3. Very Little of them. I have an I Phone 6s and my photos look almost the same.
4. Try to be steady with the phone, and find cool things to take pictures of.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Peer Review SoM

Paragraphs- 50 pts
5 quotes- 35 pts
Inverted Pyramid- 25pts
Extra Credit- 10 pts
Total- 120 pts

Monday, April 25, 2016

Final Exam Preview

1. I watched a woman show me the first couple of steps to understanding how to use iMovie. She showed me how to add a title and credits as well.
2. How to put clips in different order,
3. You can put objects over original objects.
4. I'm worried my idea won't work.
5. The video and pictures.
6. Film the Connally High School Prom my DJ group is djing this weekend.

1. I watched how to import videos.
2. How to trim a clip.
3. I learned how to import videos.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

My Opinions Story

My Opinions Story:

   Everyone in Austin, Texas knows that the road systems here are too small for the amount of people that use them everyday. On Mopac, construction is being done to add a carpool lane which isn't helping right now because traffic is even worse than before. 
   My dad, Andy, works at Lamar Middle School as an assistant principal and he lives in South Austin while Lamar is in North Austin. 
   "It takes me about 45 minutes every morning to get to work" Andy said. "It takes me even longer to get home in the afternoon and it drives me crazy" Andy said. 
    I went to Lamar for 7th and 8th grade, so I made that drive every morning with him as well. I am 16 now, about to get my license, and I don't wanna get on Mopac to go North because of all the traffic I would have to sit in for ever.
   Another terrible road to take is I-35. This highway goes from Texas to Minnesota, so all the people coming from say SA, Texas will add to the traffic already here in Austin. 
   My mom takes I-35 to work and she hates all the traffic that she has to deal with every morning and every afternoon.
   Some people reading this might say "Oh, I never get caught in traffic" and I would want to know what time they leave work or what time they leave in the morning.
   Traffic is bad at around 7:30 AM and 5:30-7:00 PM daily.
   If you ask people who take Mopac to work if they get caught in traffic during those times, the answer will be a yes. 
   Local radio stations have traffic updates every 20 minutes and there are at least 3 wrecks on the Austin roadways that cause traffic.
   Austin traffic gets so bad sometimes that our Toll road has traffic on it!
   I hear stories about how traffic is so bad that it takes almost 2 hours to get to North Austin. 
   I am not looking forward to driving up North for any reason because of all the traffic that I would get caught in. 
   I only know 1 highway that rarely has any traffic which is Highway 290. 290 gets to be 5 lanes wide which shouldn't have traffic at all. 
   Another reason 290 might not have any traffic is because 290 travels from East to West, and most Austin citizens travel from North to South. 
   Overall, I think that Austin needs to work on the road systems here because Austin is growing with people which causes more traffic and the road systems aren't. If we don't expand the road systems, Austin will become a crazy mess with traffic on every road.

SNO Online Papers

1. Mary Griffis, Akins Staff Writer.
2. Wether lockers should be removed or not.
3. "Lockers are dead. It might be difficult to take this news, but it’s time to accept the obvious. The use of lockers has been on the decline across the country for at least the last decade."
4. Yes.
5. Yes, "I understand that there are sometimes cases when students might need a locker to secure some personal belongings..."
6. Yes.
7. 3rd Person. 

1. Liz Holberg
2. Band selected to play at Memorial Day Parade.
3. "...they are headed to Washington D.C. next semester in May to play in the 2016 National Memorial Day Parade."
4. No
5. No
6. Yes
7. 1&3 person.

1. Kerry Madden
2. The Cedar Park Girls Soccer team goes undefeated in regular season.
3. "Game after game, the girls varsity soccer team emerged victorious."
4. Yes
5. No, this whole story is about the girls going undefeated.
6. Yes.
7. 1st & 3rd person.

Personal Essays

1. Whatever you care about is fair game.
2. Use details.
3. A question, A quotation, A metaphor.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Huntington Story

Around 1:30 PM is when the tornado hit, Lauren said.
It was a normal school day, and everything seemed fine except the weather. It was cloudy, and super windy Lauren said. In Oklahoma, also known as Tornado Alley, tornados are a common thing, but this tornado wasn't normal.
A small tornado was predicted by the local weather station, and they told everyone to prepare.
My dad was preparing all day, everyday just so our family will be ready for the aftermath for this tornado, Lauren said. The prices in the supermarket went way down on all products because of the coming tornado.
"SCHOOL FOR THIS WEEK HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR BAD WEATHER!" said Lauren. I remember telling my mom and dad that I got an email from my school saying that, Lauren said.
When the tornado hit, I was in my room watching the clouds go by super fast. My mom came running up the stairs to grab me so we could get to safety. My little siblings were crying at the beginning, but then they simmered down.
We could here bunches of debris hit our house, Lauren said.
The tornado went by quickly. I think we were in the shelter for 20 minutes max, Lauren said. After the tornado, the town was wrecked. Our house was torn apart, and there was debris everywhere.
Now, our house is built back to normal, Lauren said. We are back to our normal lives, prepared for another tornado.

Friday, April 15, 2016

News Values.

This article follows timeliness because this article is recent.
Chibok Girls' Parents see their children for the first time.
They were stolen from their beds in a school dormitory: hundreds of teenage girls kidnapped by gunmen.
This article follows proximity because it is near the publication place.
Donald Trump meets with Megan Kelly at Trump Tower.
Neither person has shared details about what happened yet. But Trump's intense dislike of Kelly -- whom he has called unfair, overrated and even "crazy" -- has been one of the subplots of his run for president.
This article follows prominence because this article had to be in the news.
Spate of suicide attempts leaves Canadian indigenous community reeling.
In the beleaguered, isolated community of the Ontario First Nation of Attawapiskat, one of the greatest dangers comes from within

This article follows Impact because this article is about saving someones life.
Ford F-150 pickup beats rivals in key crash test.
Pickup trucks from Toyota and General Motors didn't do quite so well, though, and Fiat Chrysler's Ram 1500 scored worst

This article follows Conflict because it hurt people physically and emotionally.
7.0 quake strikes Japan after earlier one kills 9.
A magnitude-7.0 earthquake struck early Saturday in Japan's Kyushu island, the same region a 6.2 quake struck two days earlier

Human Interest
This article follows Human Interest because it is emotional for a lot of people.

Kobe Bryant Puts Exclamation Point on Career with Surreal, Epic Finale

LOS ANGELES — The last game of Kobe Bryant’s career—arguably the most lionized in NBA history—began like just about every other game this season: with the Los Angeles Lakers stuck at the bottom of the Western Conference standings, handicapped by a flimsy screen-door defense and a predictable offensive attack. 

This article follows Novelty because people like Donald Trump, and he is unusual.

Is Trump right about 'rigged' nomination?

Each year on April Fools' Day I intersperse some false but plausible news stories among the real ones on my Election Law Blog. Last year, I got a number of prominent election-law attorneys and activists to believe a false report that a federal court, relying on the Supreme Court's controversial campaign finance decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, held that the First Amendment protects the right to literally bribe candidates.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who: Alyssa Gordon
What: Won Student of the Month Award
Where: Bowie High School
When: April of 2016
Why: Alyssa had the best grades in school.
How: She always did her best.

Ever won Student of the Month? Freshman Alyssa Gordon has done just that. With perfect grades and hard work, it has paid off. Here at Bowie High School, most freshman don't win Student of the Month, so when Alyssa won this award, the administration was shocked. In April of the 2016 school year, Alyssa was the only freshman that was nominated and she won. 
She won because she had the best grades in school. How you might ask? She always tried her hardest and did her best.

"No one has better grades than me and I know it." 
 With 100's in every class, Alyssa won Student of the Month.
"Just try hard and don't slack off is what gets you the grades."
Alyssa did her very best and didn't slack off.
"I used my free time to do extra credit and homework."
Alyssa loved to do homework unlike most of her classmates.
"Alyssa goes straight to her room to do homework."
Alyssa's parents are super happy for Alyssa because she worked hard.
"I enjoy the work, it gives me something to do."
Alyssa is a very hard worker.
"If Alyssa isn't doing homework or extra credit, she working hard on something else."

Inverted Pyramid

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Architecture Preview

Action Walking Across Camera

Action Coming At Camera

Action as a Blur

Action as Panning

Atomium, Belgium
1. Andre Waterkeyn
2. 1958
3. Belgium
4. Open to the Public
5. No
6. Represents an elementary iron crystal.
7. I picked this building because the name was cool and also it looked really cool by how its standing and that you can go inside the building itself. 

Hundertwasserhaun, Germany
1. Friendensreich Hundertwasser
2. 1900s
3. Germany
4. Open to public
5. No
6. FH wanted to make a U shape.
7. I picked this building because its name is super long and funny to say. Also it is super cool and crazy. I also like how every window is different on the building.

Kansas City Public Library, USA
1. Not Found
2. 1873
3. Kansas City, USA
4. Open to public
5. Raised $50 million for project
6. Multiple locations for visitors
7. I picked this location because I have a friend in Kansas city and I also thought it was cool that there were multiple buildings in the same city.

The UFO House, Taiwan
1. Owned by Hung Kuo group
2. 1978
3. New Taipei City, Taiwan
4. Abandoned, not open to public
5. Not found
6. House sailors.
7. I liked this location because it looks really cool and the name is unique. The name is related to the building's shape.

Turning Torso, Sweden
1. HSB Sweden.
2. Opened in 2005
3. Malmo, Sweden
4. Buy apartments in building.
5. Not Found
6. Space for offices and Apartments.
7. I like this building because 1 it turns as it goes up and it is super tall too. It also has 147 apartments and 57 stories.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Student Of The Month Interview.

1. What is your name?
What grade are you in?
What city do you live in?
"Austin Texas" 
What college do you plan on attending after high school?
"Harvard University"
What is your favorite class right now?
"Photo Journalism"
Who is your favorite teacher this year?
Mr. Reeves "Of Course"
Where do you go to school at?
"Bowie High School"
Were your parents proud of you when you told them the news? 
"Yep! Very proud."
How did you become the Student of The Month? 
"Worked Hard and did extra credit and spent my free time on homework."
What did it take to get here?
"Lots of time and energy."
How much homework did you have to do to get here?
"21/2 hours a night except weekends."
Yes or No, Do you feel accomplished?
Were you surprised when you were awarded Student of The Month?
"I expected it a little, but overall I was surprised."
Will it be embarrassing if you lose the position? 
How do you feel as Student of The Month?
"Very proud and accomplished."
Do you feel like a King with this honor?
"Yes, but a humble king."
How do you feel about being the top kid in school?
Do teachers treat you different now?
"Not really"
How do other kids treat you as Student of The Month?
Did you have to be in school every day in every class?
"Yes, otherwise, I wouldn't get work done."

Learning How To Interview


1. Parents, Students, Teachers
What are your thoughts on uniforms at school?
Would you like to wear unifroms?
Uniforms or free dress?
Would you switch schools if they in-forced uniforms?
What color uniforms would you like?
School color uniforms ideas?
Do you feel like your child is being limited with uniforms?
Would you like your school to have uniforms?
Would you like your child's school to have uniforms?
What kind of uniforms would you like to wear?

Architecture Pictures


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sensory Overload Warm-Up

1. This statement is confusing and I don't know if I agree or not.
These pictures make my photography seem boring and dull.
2. Yes! I would definitely want to visit these places and bring my camera.
3. I think it would be creepy at first but eventually I would get use to it.
4. Lots and Lots of balls.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Action Photography Preview Assignment

1. Dumping water on the coaches usually shows that that team has won a game.
2. 1600
3. Yes, Yes
4. A high Shutter Speed.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4

Front Page
Who? Juniors going on to Seniors
What? Rewards for good attendance
Where? Bowie HS
When? Starting this year
Why? Bowie wants kids to stay in school, so they are rewarding kids who have good attendance.
How? Offering customized parking spots.
Who was quoted in the story? Senior Madi Little
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I hope that people take the incentives seriously and really take the advantage of the opportunities being handed to them" 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes!
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement. A Quote
Student Life
Who? Jamie Dorsey
What? Photography Business
Where? Austin Tx
When? This year
Why? To have fun while making a little money.
How? Get hired by other people for photoshoots.
Who was quoted in the story? Jamie Dorsey
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "When Jamie first started I would be up in the stands at football games and she would be on the sidelines and when she would come across something that wasn't working for her, she would give me a call and we would solve the problem."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? No
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Quote
Who? Bowie Boys
What? Mr. Bulldog
Where? Bowie HS
When? February 13, 2016
Why? Compete for fun.
How? Put on a small act
Who was quoted in the story? Drake Touve
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I try to be optimistic, and if I don't win, I hope someone else that I know will.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Statement.
Who? Boys Basketball
What? Shooting for the best in district
Where? Austin Tx. Bowie HS
When? This year
Why? To be the best team in District
How? Play hard, work hard.
Who was quoted in the story? Josh Wainwright
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "It was very busy, but dealing with school, basketball, and football was honestly more of a reward than anything because it helped me learn to use time wisely."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? No
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Quote
Who? Bowie Theater.
What? Tarzan the play
Where? Bowie HS
When? This year
Why? Fun
How? Build sets, act.
Who was quoted in the story? Eryn Northcutt
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? "I was not prepared at all for the screaming; when I went back stage I fought tears."
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Quote
Who? Bowie Students
What? New Attendance policies
Where? Bowie HS
When? 2016-2017
Why? Keep kids in school.
How? Have rewards for good attendance
Who was quoted in the story? No one.
What quote was the strongest in your opinion? There were no quotes.
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? No.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? A Statement.

1. What is your favorite photo in the entire paper? The basketball action shot of Josh Wainwright.
1A. Why is this your favorite? It is showing him in action.
1B. What rules of photo composition are evident? Rule of Thirds.

2. What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper? Picture of John Graff.
2A. Why is this your least favorite? It is blurry.

3. If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics covered and decide which one you think would have been fun. I would like to shoot the sports section.

4. Overall, how would you rate the photography in this issue? What were the strong points and weak points. 6. Some pictures were blurry or out of focus, but most were fine. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Yearbook Intro

Things that you find in a Yearbook:
Name of school
Pictures of students
Pictures of staff
Sports Section
Art Section
Dance Section
Quotes from students
Picture of the school
List of Principals/Assistant Principals
Table Of Contents
Address of school
Events page of that year
Electives Page
Signature Section.
1. "Nothing Can Stop Us"
2. Lamar Middle School.
3. That my school is always happy.
4. 10. 
5. Sports Spread is m favorite.
6. No
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. 700
10. Texas

Magazine Peer Review

"Young Dreams" by Katrina K. 
2. I liked the clearness of the picture. And I also like how she had different color fonts to catch your eye.
3. I would tell the creator to move the bar code down to the bottom of the cover.
4. I picked this cover because the subject looks sporty... and I love sports so I just had to pick this one.
5. Yes, there is a bar code and I think it should be a little farther down on the cover.
6. Yes, because it has an eye catching cover.
7. This was a portrait. 

Peer Review.

1. Alexa's Prompt Pictures pd1: Her pictures are actually really good. She does a different or unique way of the prompts and also 1 of her pictures are in black and white which I think is great.
3. I like her footprints picture the best because it is paused in mid-air. So it can be 2 prompts in 1. 
My least favorite picture is the connected because its a little burry and I think it needs to be clear.
Overall Alexa's pictures are great because they really connect to the prompts and also they connect to the prompts in a unique way.
I think she could've put the subjects on a solid background or not as distracting background.
I think she did the best on pause because it is like the picture is paused on what is happening.
I think she didn't do as well on pose because the subjects aren't doing much in the photo.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Welcome Back!


I like this picture because it's funny and the people's reactions are priceless!

I like this picture because I appreciate their service and it's a really cool picture.

I like this picture because it's cute and funny.

2. The biggest song of the year was Trap Queen by Fetty Wap because everyone knew who Fetty was and his most popular song.

The biggest movie of the year was Star Wars: The Force Awakens because I thought it was a really good follow up of the last made one.

The biggest story of the year was the Terrorist Attack in France because many people died in the bombings.

The most important person of the year is Donald Trump because he made a huge impact on our country by saying racist things and telling his plans. 

The biggest sports person of the year is Lionel Messi because he is the best soccer player in the world as of now. 
My resolutions for 2016 is to get my license and fix my BMW. 
Im looking forward to being 16 years old and driving alone.


3. I went to Rui Doso, New Mexico and I snowboarded for 5 days. I will always remember learning my toe-edge for snowboarding.